The Friendly Viking

The Friendly Viking
For those who care :)

mandag 31. januar 2011

Time for a Rogerkiller.

There is a website that i know of, called witch have thees cool videos all over it. A while back, i found a video that was so epic, i had fun with it for hours and hours!!!

This is not a regular youtube video. This is an interactive youtube game. watch the movie for further instructions.
As a Rogerkiller, this thing kicks ass! (that is if you are not easily grossed out)
allso Corey Vidal is an awsome youtuber, worth noticing.

For those who care. If 25 visit the blog today, we have 1000 views in total!

In other news!

how do you get 2 Charisards, 3 Blastoys, 7 Golems and 6 Pikachus into a tiny car?

you Pok'em on!!! ;P

You'rs sincerely

The Friendly Viking

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