The Friendly Viking

The Friendly Viking
For those who care :)

mandag 31. januar 2011

Time for a Rogerkiller.

There is a website that i know of, called witch have thees cool videos all over it. A while back, i found a video that was so epic, i had fun with it for hours and hours!!!

This is not a regular youtube video. This is an interactive youtube game. watch the movie for further instructions.
As a Rogerkiller, this thing kicks ass! (that is if you are not easily grossed out)
allso Corey Vidal is an awsome youtuber, worth noticing.

For those who care. If 25 visit the blog today, we have 1000 views in total!

In other news!

how do you get 2 Charisards, 3 Blastoys, 7 Golems and 6 Pikachus into a tiny car?

you Pok'em on!!! ;P

You'rs sincerely

The Friendly Viking

søndag 30. januar 2011

Weekends, the reason we are still alive... but then... Roger...

As some of you might have noticed, we still do not have a name for saturday... this can not be tolerated! saturday must beat Roger, or else we will decend into mindless piles of gue on the floors we once walked on! This can not happen! So comment on what name you would wish saturday to be called. To help you along, it has to be a girls name.

In other news.
i want you to imagine a flamethrower. how did someone think of inventing that?
To me, that says that some guy stood by himself in a corner, thinking "i really want to set those people on fire, but i am to far away to get the job done... if only i had something that could throw flames on them!".... it might have ended there, but he absolutely had to tell his friend... who was good with tools... then a week later, his friend visits him and says "man, that was quite a concept!" and burns down his friends garage... and not very long after, the government shows up and says "we would like to buy, let us say, 500 000 of them please :) we have some people that we would really like to throw flames on :) and do not forget to paint them dark brown... we do not ant anyone to see them ;)"...

And finaly:

Word of the week!

Collywobbles: a feeling of fear or apprehension characterized by uneasiness in the belly.

Yours sincerely

The Friendly Viking

torsdag 27. januar 2011

Google sugestions and the best thing ever!

Most of you, i know have searched loads of stuff on google, and as you know google comes with sugestions of the things you might want to search, before you are done wrighting. This is verry interesting to investigate.

An example you can try is typing "is" and space and then see what you can find. i would love to get you're favorit in the comments.

I am really interested in crazy stuff but i would allso like to know what you readers think is awesome about existence. Again, comment and tell me what you think is the most awesome gadget, place, food, game, pokemon, toy, road or youtube clip  that you know of.

You'rs sincerely

The Friendly Viking

onsdag 26. januar 2011

Thing of the week

Today i stumbled uppon another little gadget i really would like to get my hands on. again, if somone sees a place to get this, coment on it :)

I am a proud (starting out) collector of cups and mugs that are made of awesome. I aksualy have a few allreddy, but i can never get enough of them.

Do you have an epic hobby or collection? tell me in the coments, and if not, tell me what you would have wanted to have as a hobby or collection if you had the chance or the money for it.

But if i am to aquire sutch a cup made of awesome i would need filling for it. so i allso want you to coment me youre favorit drink and snack that you think fit together the best.

You'rs sincerely
The Friendly Viking

tirsdag 25. januar 2011

Tipp of the week, then sleep for a while...

This week, i would like to direct your atention to a youtubefenomenon called the Vlogbrothers. They are two brothers who started vloging (video blogging) four years ago to stay in contact with eachother, not only by texting. At first they started out as Brotherhood 2.0 but nowadays they are known as the Vlogbrothers. They have started a world wide fenomenon called the nerdfighters (picture).

A nerdfighter is someone that, instead of being made out of skin, bones, blood and tissue, they are made entirely out of awsome.

The Vlogbrothers youtubechanel is upp and running and is spredding awsomness to every nerd and non-nerd in the world. here is the link to their "how to get started" video, witch i really recomend you to see!

Subscribe to them and become a nerd fighter, just like me!

Normaly, i have a really bad habbit of being really sleepy when i'm not supposed to be sleepy, and when i'm supposed to sleap, i do not feel tired at all...
I want to ask you all of the best ways to get sleepy. Coment on it and help a sleepy guy sleap when needed... not in the middle of the day...

You'rs sincerely
The Friendly Viking

mandag 24. januar 2011

Let's start Roger now, shall we?

Today i want to direct you're atention to the words of a wise man, the prophet of atheism, George Carlin.

He was an entertaner his whole life until his tragic death in 2008 as a 71 year old man. Once, he wrote a poem that appealed to me, personaly, that i want to share with you.

The poem is called

"The Hair Poem"
I'm aware some stare at my hair.
In fact, to be fair,
Some really despair of my hair.
But I don't care,
’Cause they're not aware,
Nor are they debonair.
In fact, they’re just square.
They see hair down to there,
Say, “Beware” and go off on a tear!
I say, “No fair!”
A head that’s bare is really nowhere.
So be like a bear, be fair with your hair!
Show it you care.
Wear it to there.
Or to there.
Or to there, if you dare!
My wife bought some hair at a fair, to use as a spare.
Did I care?
Au contraire!
Spare hair is fair!
In fact, hair can be rare.
Fred Astaire got no hair,
Nor does a chair,
Nor a chocolate eclair,
And where is the hair on a pear?
Nowhere, mon frère!
So now that I've shared this affair of the hair,
I'm going to repair to my lair and use Nair, do you care?

You'rs sincerely
The Friendly Viking

lørdag 22. januar 2011

Name, name... we need a name!

Now we have arived at saturday, the best day of the week. I have tried to find a name for this day, but to this day, i havent found a name that suited the grateness of the day... so i am going to ask you, my readers, if you have any sugestions? when next saturday comes along, we will have a name to welcome it with :)

I hope you can help me with this and give this wonderful day a grate name :)

You'rs sincerely

The Friendly Viking

fredag 21. januar 2011

Waiting for weekend. Need vacation!

In everyday life, people usualy look forward to the weekend. It does'nt matter if you're happy or sad during the week, you're stil looking forward to the weekend.
But when the weekend is finaly there, you usualy do not have the time to enjoy it fully befor (you guessed it) Roger comes along!


Anywho, you have not had a relaxing weekend, you meet Roger just after its over and no matter what you do, you just cant get enough rest.

What you, me and everyone needs then is a really relaxing vacation! The only problem with that is that when you have a vakation, you do what you did'nt have the time to do when you did'nt have vacation! In the end of it all, all you need is... a vacation!

And when were on the subject of vacations... what is you're favorit dessert, and when would be the perfect time to eat just that dessert?

You'rs sincerely

The Friendly Viking

torsdag 20. januar 2011

Acronyms and other vegetables

For those that does not know wha an acronym is, it is a sentance or frase that has been shorted down to only the first letters in every word. (btw if im wrong, tell me :P)

Acronyms can both be serrious and not so serrious.
The more serrious, might be UN= the United Nations, CIA= Central Intelligence Agency or NASA= National Aeronatics and Space Administration.
The not so serrious could be somthing like ROTFLMAO= Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off, LOL= Laughing Out Loud or, my personal favorit, DFTBA= Dont Forget To Be Awsome.
Do you have a favorit acronym? Please leave a comment :)

To get you started, here is the one and only, Sheldon Cooper :)

I wonder... witch vegetable have the potential to become the largest? If you know, let me know :)
Our hangups, we have them :)

You'rs sincerely

The Friendly Viking     (TFV if you're counting acronyms ;P)

onsdag 19. januar 2011

Today... we are going public!

This is the day when i am going to post this page on facebook :D... or, i aksualy have when you read this... hopefully, you are one of the new readers :)
What i wanted to do, before i posted it on facebook, was to get some posts up, so i knew people would be interested. Yesterday i decided to do it :)... but i decided to wait for today :P

In other news :) i stubled uppon a picture of somthing that is just about to explode from an overdose of awsomness!!!A BED NES NINTENDO!!!! :D

when i saw this, i just couldent belive my eyes!
I want this thing so bad. if anyone know where to get it, i will be SOOOOO HAPPY!!!
This will be the first "Thing of the week" :)
do you have an awsome thing that you know of? please coment and tell me about them :D

you'rs sencirely

The Friendly Viking

tirsdag 18. januar 2011

words for when you sleap :)

This post wil be opened with a question:
Have you ever been up late at night, knowing you had to go to bed, becaus you had to get up erly, but stil stayed up for another hour?
... I do not need an awnser :P I know that you have :P
if you hae a storry, please share it in the coments :)

and when we are on the subjekt of little sleap, here i present to you...

In everyday life, surfing the internet, you stumble uppon words that is just impossible to understand. When you find a word like that, what do you do?

You visit the urban dictionary!

Here you can find every word you wanna know the meening of that is out of the normal dictionaryes, be it lol, ky, 4chan, DFTBA or the internet rules and ofcourse lots and lots more. if you care to check it out, here is the link to the page, and please post youre favorit word and explanation in the coments :)

you'rs sencirely

The Friendly Viking

mandag 17. januar 2011

Roger returns!!!

Again, we must face this dredded enemy that we all share! Roger! (for those of you who dosent know, read my former posts :) ) This gruesome adversary allways starts the week with an uncomfortable nudge in the wrong direction.

I would verry mutch like to get some help coping with Roger's in the future, so why not ask you? Leave a comment, explaining "the best way to survive Roger!"

I'm looking forward to reading youre best "Rogerkiller"  :)

yours sincerely
The friendly viking

torsdag 13. januar 2011

Dylsexia :) i cun't spell :D

as you might know, if you visited my last blog, you might have seen that im dyslexic, and to this i have a really funny storry :P (its mostly fun for me, but i hope youl like it :P )

a few years back i bought myself a button. (you know, the little jacket pin... things). on this button, i thought it said "dyslexics of the world, unite!". so i told lots of friends about it, and was pritty pleased about my purches :)
so just before christmas last year, me and some friends was talking about it, and i asked my dad if he knew where my "dyslexics of the world, unite!" button was. but he just started laughing. so i asked him what was so funny and he replyed "it does'nt say
 unite, it says untie!"


i fail... epicly! the power of dyslexia :) for years i had'nt redd that right ONCE!
so if  you're dyslexic to, or have an interesting storry, tell me :P

the friendly viking

My plan for world domination :D... 2.0 :P

When the world is mine, there wil be no more mondays! They ruin most of the rest of the week, and when you can finaly get over the traumas of last monday, another monday comes along.

I say we start out this blog by calling all mondays Roger!
That way, we can end the weekly tyrany of the dredded monday, once and for all!

Another thing i want to make a law, is that becomes a world wide startpage for every internetprovider, be it firefox, explorer, google crome or safari, and all other browsers you can think of!

But its gonna be a long time before i get world domination, but until that time im verry interested in youre ideas for a better world :) let me hear all youre thoughts and dreams for the future :) when the world is mine, they wil be taken into close consideration :)

your's sincerely

The Friendly Viking

onsdag 12. januar 2011

The Friendly Viking

I apologise for having to change page :P in the last blogpage i couldent have coments for some strange reason. Its kind of lame, but im stil standing.