The Friendly Viking

The Friendly Viking
For those who care :)

torsdag 17. mai 2012

Happy Birthday Norway!

So, today it's the 17. of May, and that is Norways National day. So, in honor of that, i thought id post something nice on here to celebrate!

So, here you go! The national anthem of Norway!

Hope you have a grate 17. of May, even if you are not Norwegian yourself!

Yours sincerely

The Friendly Viking

torsdag 15. mars 2012

The Yogscast! Shadow of Israphel!

As many of my readers allreddy know, i am a lot on youtube, and a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, i found theese two friends, playing Minecraft together. their names are Simon and Lewis (aka: Honeydew and Xephos.) and they fight the evil powers of Israphel!

their channel on youtube is full of videos about minecraft mods, new patches and tons of fun. they allso do other lets play's, like dead island, heroes of new earth(HON), guildwars and more. their humor is at times priceless and their friendship shine thru their videos, giving you a warm, cuddely, awesome feeling inside.

they are really worth checking out!

they allso make the ocational song that they put out on the internet for their fans to listen to and this is one of them.

hope they are to your liking.

Yours sincerely

The Friendly Viking

tirsdag 13. mars 2012

Cute kitten! yupp!

here you have a few verry cute kittens... enjoy :3

Yourse sincerely

The Friendly Viking

onsdag 7. mars 2012

Rock, paper, scisors and other things people might search on Google.

Reacently, i have noticed that my over all views of this blogg is from the post i made about Rock, paper, scisors witch has propably been found thru Google. so what i wanted to do now is a little experiment. I will try making a few posts about things i think people will search a lot for in their Google browser. (a cheap trick to get more views, you might say, but il try it anyway.)

so, i would like you to give me sugestions for things to make posts about. it could be big, small, cute or horrible. anything you would like to read or see.

I would allso like to make at least one post every week in the future. this will be easyer, since i now have my other blogg, the diary of Jarrod Hale to post regularly.

so seal the deal with this extreamly cute and snuggely cat and give me your sugestions. if you do, the cat can haz cheezburger :3

Yours sincerely

The Friendly Viking

torsdag 1. mars 2012

Uppdates on Jarrod Hale!

In my other blogg, the diary of Jarrod Hale, i have now passed two months of wrighting. If you have not seen it yet, here is a link:
If you want the whole storry, i sugest you go to the first entry, january 1. and read from there.
The trory is hapening in 1860 and is being told by Jarrod, himself thru his own diary. the reason why i chose 1860 over any other date is because 1860 and 2012 are both leapyears starting on a Sunday, witch means they both sync in all the dates and have three Friday 13. in them. For me, this makes it both easyer to keep track on the dates and it gives me a clear deadline. If the posts are more than a week apart, i have failed both my readers and myself.

Just a while back, my girlfriend drew what she had pictured Jarrod like when she redd it. Here are one of the pictures she drew.

Here, you see Jarrod by the window, Francis the butler walking behind him, Mia, Jarrods wife, in the background standing with the chef, Jonah. The bigger picture on the wall is of Mia and Jarrod, while the smaller picture is of Mia's father, William. (sorry about the quality of the picture, but for now, this s the best i could provide. thank you Ragnhild)

So, what do you say? Would you like to read my diary?

Yours sincerely

The Friendly Viking

lørdag 25. februar 2012

Ménage à 3! Read it!

Lately, i have been reading this comic called Ménage à 3 and i am now an adict! The comic is about a nerdy, desperate boy called Gary. His story begins with him, having to get new roommates, since his former roommates (to say it without to many spoilers) broke his drawingtable... in an... inventive way... he then finds these two, lovely women, Zii and Didi.

The story is complicated, humorus and slightly (I AM LYING, IT IS EXTREMELY) perverted. for those who like their fair share of haha's, hehe's and hoho's (sorry santa) this is the comic for you. There are plenty of stripes for you to read, and if you start reading, you will not regret it! And, since the wrighter is such a lovely person, there is allways one new stripe every two days!
I hope you will take my advice and read it!
Here is the link:

You are welcome :3

Your's sincerely

The Friendly Viking

Ps: check out my second blogg, The diary of Jarrod Hale!

tirsdag 7. februar 2012

Starting musical! YAY!

at school, we are setting upp a musical called "Our House" by Tim Firth. it is a musical based on the songs of the band "Madness". i am really exited about it and it will be the first time it is staged in Norway. it is a fantastic storry about the choises we all make and how that efects our future. my role in the play is the dead father of the main caracter, Joe Casey. i will not spoil anything to you who have not heard of it before but you can choose to Google it if you want.

i have been picked out as directingasistent along with another of my classmates and i am looking forward to work with that.

to end this post with a cliffhanger, i am making some cool pixelart nowadays with beeds, so in not to long, il make a post about what i have made. to you yognauts out there, be prepared to be awesomified!

yours sincerely

The Friendly Viking

mandag 9. januar 2012

once again, i have made a new blog... yea, i know...

hey everyone. its been a while. happy newyear to you all!

i hope you had a grate hollyday and saved upp a lot of strength for the new year... and to read my new storry!

the story im wrighting now is called the diary of jarrod hale and is going to be mostly diaryentries written by Mr hale himself... or at least me, pretending to be him. i hope you will try reading it. i am going to try to post regularly thru out 2012. if you have any ideas for the storry, please tell me! im wrighting as the year progresses.

here is the link, and i hope you like it!

its good to be back again!

yours sincerely

The Friendly Viking