The Friendly Viking

The Friendly Viking
For those who care :)

onsdag 28. september 2011

Ive got a new blogg! ... not quitting this for that reason...

As the headline says, ive just gotten a new blogg. me and some of my friends have been tossing around the idea of starting an RPG and we thought "why not make it something public?" so, if you are interested in following an RPG about Steampunk and magic (yes, its a strange mix but we are experimenting.) the link to the new blogg will be posted in the bottom of the post.

hope your going to like it and will follow it whenever there is a new post :) ...or... only if you want to... like... yea... :3

Yours sincerely

The Friendly Viking

mandag 5. september 2011

Finaly! I have arrived at Hogwarts!

I have just started school at Romerike folkehøyshole in Jessheim. When  i prepared to go here, i packed a huge pile of stuff and hoped i didnt bring to mutch... it turned out, i have a huge room and lots of space for all my nesesityes and less nesesary. everyone here seem nice and happy, even if sickness have ocurred in several places. this first week has been amasing! the students are alowed to make groups and weekly events to entertain and sochialise with eachother. THIS is the reason why this post is called "Finaly! I have arrived at Hogwarts!". We litteraly have quiditch and wandmaking as voulentairy subjects! over the pst few days, i have made, not 2, not 3 but 11 wands! this makes me Romerike folkehøyskoles Olivander. i now spend my days with a wand, neatly placed in my hat.

This post is going to be short, bekause i just had an exhausting day with something called "Kom i form med Haldis" witch is a jogging and general trainingsclass that i will (try) to atend every monday for the rest of the year! if i maniage to atend at least 12 of her classes, i will pass, and therby, basicly get any job i want in the future, so... im gonna try!

Yours sincerely

The Friendly Viking