The Friendly Viking

The Friendly Viking
For those who care :)

torsdag 13. januar 2011

Dylsexia :) i cun't spell :D

as you might know, if you visited my last blog, you might have seen that im dyslexic, and to this i have a really funny storry :P (its mostly fun for me, but i hope youl like it :P )

a few years back i bought myself a button. (you know, the little jacket pin... things). on this button, i thought it said "dyslexics of the world, unite!". so i told lots of friends about it, and was pritty pleased about my purches :)
so just before christmas last year, me and some friends was talking about it, and i asked my dad if he knew where my "dyslexics of the world, unite!" button was. but he just started laughing. so i asked him what was so funny and he replyed "it does'nt say
 unite, it says untie!"


i fail... epicly! the power of dyslexia :) for years i had'nt redd that right ONCE!
so if  you're dyslexic to, or have an interesting storry, tell me :P

the friendly viking

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