The Friendly Viking

The Friendly Viking
For those who care :)

torsdag 13. januar 2011

My plan for world domination :D... 2.0 :P

When the world is mine, there wil be no more mondays! They ruin most of the rest of the week, and when you can finaly get over the traumas of last monday, another monday comes along.

I say we start out this blog by calling all mondays Roger!
That way, we can end the weekly tyrany of the dredded monday, once and for all!

Another thing i want to make a law, is that becomes a world wide startpage for every internetprovider, be it firefox, explorer, google crome or safari, and all other browsers you can think of!

But its gonna be a long time before i get world domination, but until that time im verry interested in youre ideas for a better world :) let me hear all youre thoughts and dreams for the future :) when the world is mine, they wil be taken into close consideration :)

your's sincerely

The Friendly Viking

3 kommentarer:

  1. I think you should make sure that there are two Saturdays each week instead of that annoying Monday!

  2. hmm... good idea! il take it under concideration

  3. I think you should keep monday.. it does sucks, but that's why the other days are more or less cooler than mondays. What you could do, is make shure that we dont start the activities so early on mondays... the worst part is waking up early on monday... also, make sure that we end early on fridays.
