The Friendly Viking

The Friendly Viking
For those who care :)

onsdag 6. juli 2011

Im trapped in a world of blocks... and i like it :3

Reacently, i found this epicly awesome game! i cant belive how dedicated i have been to it since i bought it.

The game is called.....


The picture to the side is of the game.
You just have to love the grafiks!

The point of the game is aksualy all up to you.
But basicly, the point is to mine recorses and put them together to make tools to mine some more, to build awesome stuff, to store the stuff you mine to survive all the mobs.

Simple, right?

There are 2 ways to play minecraft.
The first is the normal way to play minecraft, witch meens that you are alone in this huge world with nothing and have to mine recorses to survive to mine some more.

The second way to play minecraft is to play on servers. This gives you the posibility to spawn objects or recorses to your liking and give you many more awesome advantages compared to the singleplayer. it allso gives you the opertunity to chat to the other players on the same server.

Allso, there are different dificulty levels as well, so if you want to play the game without creapy monsters that shoot you, slowly comes to kill you, jumps on you unexpectedly, explodes and destroyes all you have been so carefully mining for the last 3 days and makes creapy noises... you can.

But the worst monster of all is the creeper! ----->

This guy will make you so mad, you want to  brake the screen in half!

It locks on to you, comes closer, make a really creapy SSSSSSSSSSSS nois, before blowing upp!

Yes... do not let it in to your house...

I would aksualy recomend it to anyone who reads this! if you allreddy do play minecraft, tell me in the comments and what you have built ither in single or multiplayer.

hope you liked this post and still want more :P its been a while since my last post... mainley because of this game :P

yours sincerely

The Friendly Viking