The Friendly Viking

The Friendly Viking
For those who care :)

torsdag 15. mars 2012

The Yogscast! Shadow of Israphel!

As many of my readers allreddy know, i am a lot on youtube, and a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, i found theese two friends, playing Minecraft together. their names are Simon and Lewis (aka: Honeydew and Xephos.) and they fight the evil powers of Israphel!

their channel on youtube is full of videos about minecraft mods, new patches and tons of fun. they allso do other lets play's, like dead island, heroes of new earth(HON), guildwars and more. their humor is at times priceless and their friendship shine thru their videos, giving you a warm, cuddely, awesome feeling inside.

they are really worth checking out!

they allso make the ocational song that they put out on the internet for their fans to listen to and this is one of them.

hope they are to your liking.

Yours sincerely

The Friendly Viking

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