The Friendly Viking

The Friendly Viking
For those who care :)

torsdag 10. mars 2011

... I am so bad at this...

Hey there vikings.

Lately, i have not been the best blogger ever. I have not been able to write as mutch as i would have wanted. I aksualy made a videoblogg to put upp here, but it sucked so i deleted it :P i will try that for my next post.

Today at school we have done some creative wrighting, so i thought i would ask you what creative things you like to do. comment below and tell me what inspires you to be creative. Allso tell me what creative things you alreaddy have done.

Something i like doing is drawing, as you might know from a previous post, but for those of you interested, here is a picture of how to draw sonic the hedgehog.

Yours sincerely

The Friendly Viking

1 kommentar:

  1. Did you draw that? If so: cool! If not: the picture is still cool.

    Creative writing in school sounds nice! I wish we did more of that. :D
