The Friendly Viking

The Friendly Viking
For those who care :)

tirsdag 25. januar 2011

Tipp of the week, then sleep for a while...

This week, i would like to direct your atention to a youtubefenomenon called the Vlogbrothers. They are two brothers who started vloging (video blogging) four years ago to stay in contact with eachother, not only by texting. At first they started out as Brotherhood 2.0 but nowadays they are known as the Vlogbrothers. They have started a world wide fenomenon called the nerdfighters (picture).

A nerdfighter is someone that, instead of being made out of skin, bones, blood and tissue, they are made entirely out of awsome.

The Vlogbrothers youtubechanel is upp and running and is spredding awsomness to every nerd and non-nerd in the world. here is the link to their "how to get started" video, witch i really recomend you to see!

Subscribe to them and become a nerd fighter, just like me!

Normaly, i have a really bad habbit of being really sleepy when i'm not supposed to be sleepy, and when i'm supposed to sleap, i do not feel tired at all...
I want to ask you all of the best ways to get sleepy. Coment on it and help a sleepy guy sleap when needed... not in the middle of the day...

You'rs sincerely
The Friendly Viking

1 kommentar:

  1. haha søt! kroppen min gjør seg automatisk trøtt, når jeg trenger den mest. spesiellt når jeg er på jobb, eller kjører bil, eller skal på besøk eller noe annet viktig.

    jeg vet ikke hva nerd fighter eller vlogbrothers er. forhåpentligvis vet jeg alt om how to get started etter å ha sett den videoen. selv om det høres litt skummelt ut. men det vet jeg ikke enda..
